sky transmitter is a public intermedia installation consisting of a geodesic dome as it's architectural form and structure and two media devices.
a) a fm radio transmitter and
b) a sky camera with monitor.
For this installation the formerly collected spoken and recorded wishes of the citizens plus newly recorded voices were re-edited and composed to a 40min. radio composition. This composition will
be transmitted permanently and ongoing and you can listen to the "sky transmitter" radio installation in the inner city region of Chisinau via radio on FM
95 mhz
The project creates a place that becomes a content transmitter with an oecolological membrane in dialogue with it’s urban surrounding. The installation object is a container and transmitter for
immaterial ideas and wishes. The concept focusses on the place as a social sculpture to facilitate the exchange, chance meeting and contemplative foresight on urban space.
In this context, the artist is particularly pleased to collaborate with the students of the "
Colegiul de arte plastice "Alexandru Plămădeală", which will enable a young generation of still-educated artists and designers to continue and
nurture the place thus created with their energies. The installation as a plant can thus become the teacher of the spirit of exploration.
Our thanks go to the sponsors the german Goethe Institute, akzente md and the Colegiul del arte plasice and the many local supporters and
project contributors without whom, this work would not have been feasible.
special thanks to Valeria Barbas, Lilia Dragneva, Max Kuzmenko, Anastasia Palii, Dumitru Carbuni, Fine Marie Faust, Felicia Ursu, Ludmila Malarciuc, Lilia Racila, Ion Nita, Oxana Suveica, Iana
Sericova, Viorica Bejenari, Catalina Bucos
“sky transmitter” este o instalaţie intermedia constituită ca formă şi structură arhitecturală, dintr-o cupolă geodezică şi două dispozitive media: un transmiţător radio FM şi o
cameră de supraveghere a cerului conectată la un monitor.
Acesta reprezintă partea finală B a proiectului “
WÄRMEPOL” în cadrul căruia urmează să fie transmise acele mesaje verbale din etapa preliminară A prin intermediul unui radio
transmiţător local FM, localizat în interiorul cupolei geodezice pe acoperişul "
Colegiului de Arte
Plastice “Alexandru Plămădeală”.
Obiectul instalat va funcţiona permanent în calitate de transmiţător al unui conţinut ideatic. Un alt aspect important al acestui proiect este că acesta va fi combinat cu un proiect de
grădinărit urban, realizat în colaborare cu studenţii colegiului.
Mulţumiri tuturor celor implicaţi în proiect, care au făcut posibilă realizarea acestuia.