images volubiles

photo: Egbert Mittelstädt
photo: Egbert Mittelstädt

a production from and by
Yo­shie Shi­ba­ha­ra -​ dance, choreography
Matt­hi­as Mainz -​ trumpet
Frank Schul­te -​ elec­tro­nic composition and room sound setup
Eg­bert Mit­tel­städt -​ vi­deo & sce­no­gra­phie vi­deo edit­ing


The english text project information has not been translated, sorry. You can find the german info text here



video demo of the project

The produktion has been kindly supported by Kunststiftung NRW, the cultural department of the city Cologne and the SK-Stiftung Kultur as well as the kind support of the Institut for dance and movement culture of the DSHS Cologne

The project was premiered at the 12th. and 13th. of Dezember 2008 in the church St. Theodor, Cologne - Vingst, which has been designed by architect Paul Böhm