23th/24th/29th/ 30th/31th Oct 2020, 08:00 p.m. ** INTERACTIVE ONLINE LIVE PERFORMANCE **
In 2020, Spain will mark the 45th and Germany the 75th anniversary of the end of their fascist and Nazi dictatorships. Atrocities that were committed in the torture chambers of the secret police
showcase the perfidious effects of both regimes. Exploring these events sounds a warning by bringing important events to the surface; especially in Spain, this is part of a process of reappraisal
that has progressed only very slowly thus far. Many of these torture victims still live with the consequential damage of a disability.
In cooperation with the Spanish choreographer Jordi Cortés Molina, DIN A 13 tanzcompany would
like to use the two overlapping anniversaries to draw attention to the atrocities, in particular the psychological and physical damage caused to the victims who survived torture under both
The ensemble intends to use the current situation of the coronavirus crisis for the artistic concept of the production, and with this it will step away from the familiar terrain of the stage.
Nervertheless everything starts with research. Stay tuned for DIN 13 dance company‘s first interactive online production and performance in October 2020. Facing history through CELLAR & SECRETS 2020, behind the scenes; video artist Jürgen Salzmann, choreographer Jordi Cortes, performer Rita Noutel, Ashraf Albesh, Charlotte Virgile , Miriam Barcelona production manager Raül Perales
music: Frank Schulte
you can follow the project diary at facebook